have an awesome weekend 16 April xxxxx

This morning kicked off a ripper for me: I shuffled two laps of Bondi Beach in the sand (I’m GRADUALLY getting my strength back…even managed 10 pull ups at Muscle Beach at the North end on Wednesday), then swam at Icebergs, sat in the funny little steam room there overlooking the break and chatted away to people (this place is a trip…strangers in various states of undress sharing lovely stories). Then I meditated down on the rocks by the ocean. I do this most days…just different rocks around Bondi and Bronte.20100415-bondi-at-sunrise

And then I had a cup of tea with Dr Edward de Bono, the thinker. For my Sunday Life column.

Hmmm, weird. I’m not sure why Icebergs’ cafe The Crabbe Hole was suggested. No one wears real clothes here. I was wearing a bikini and a hoodie and no shoes. He was wearing a crazy shirt and tie combo. And his watch on a chain around his neck.

photo But we chatted robustly. The rumours of him being an out of control flirt… I can confirm them as true. I would have found it inappropriate and quite possibly obscene, but I don’t get very perturbed by this kind of thing. It’s just tedious.

His thinking is sharp, however, despite his 78 years. He talks in anecdotes and isn’t overly didactic. You can catch him at the Happiness & It’s Causes conference in May.

I like this thought: I’m not intelligent. I’m not unintelligent. I’m a thinker.

To be honest, I don’t really want to share random posts from other bloggers this week, as I have been doing lately. Maybe I won’t anymore. I fear it’s one of those techniques for grabbing followers. Which doesn’t feel authentic. Until I work it out, I’ll just flag great stuff that I come across, when it feels right. Yeah?

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