Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

Today my big fat new cookbook lands in bookstores around Australia and New Zealand (be patient with your local shop…they can take a day or two to unpack). It will be available via Amazon in the US and UK in a few weeks – hang tight!

buy now button flow Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

Here are a few not normal things to know about it

…illustrated with pretty pictures.

It’s the first zero food waste cookbook in the world. More on this in my next post. We go straight to it and use leftovers, use the whole ingredient, enact clever tricks. I (try to) make the whole thing sexy and easy for busy kids like you lot.

What does this mean for you?

You save $17K in a year. The average cost of a meal in this book is about $2.60. To arrive at this figure, I compared this to Australian food expenditure data, and the fact that Australians toss a quarter of their groceries each week.

You save a turtle. If we continue our plastic habit, by the time our kids grow up, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Seafood eaters could be ingesting up to 11,000 pieces of plastic a year, according to some experts. A very recent CSIRO study found it only takes on bit of plastic to kill a turtle.

Save 13 days. We added up the time most people spend cooking and deciding what to cook (yes, data exists for this!), and compared it to the time it takes to cook with Flow. The figure is conservative as it doesn’t include the time saved from fewer trips to the shops and other Flow quirks (like, washing up less often).

There are a bunch of Capsule Cooks. These are different.

  • They are like mini-meal plans.
  • Instead of an ingredients list, you get a shopping list.
  • These are not long, mostly less than a dozen ingredients.

Screen Shot 2018 09 25 at 4.16.25 pm Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

  • You use ALL OF EVERY INGREDIENT – NOT A BROCCOLI STALK LEFT OVER  – to make a bunch of dishes that will leave you with lunch all week, family dinners until Thursday, a detox fix of all your meals for a good green makeover, a dinner party (that costs less than $10 a head) etc.
  • Once you learn one, you can repeat from week to week. Nice and tidy and no sad half celery bunches left at the back of the fridge at the end of the week.

buy now button flow Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

The cover is again a bit of a “piss take” of the highly wasteful, materialist culture of women’s magazines.

Flow 1033 Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

We make home-made takeaway coffee cups that use up the elastic bands that come with your kale and asparagus bunches.

Winter LeftOver YesterdaysRoots 4503 Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

It’s sugar-free. No added fructose. And added glucose is kept to less than 1/2 teaspoon per serve, with the exception of a few fancy treats. You guys know the deal.

Screen Shot 2018 09 25 at 4.16.50 pm Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

There are 52 challenges (with a tick list that you can studiously go through, one per week…one for the Virgos!)

Spring Challenge Bakes NachosBolognese 4089 Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

There’s heaps more to check out, but maybe just head to a bookshop and have a flick for yourself.

buy now button flow Simplicious Flow has landed and it’s not a normal cookbook!

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